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Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where individuals doubt their abilities and accomplishments, and fear being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of their competence. It is a common experience, affecting people across all genders, ages, and professions.

The symptoms of imposter syndrome can manifest in different ways, but common signs include feeling like a fraud, fearing failure, seeking perfection, and a belief that one’s achievements are due to luck or external factors rather than their own abilities.

Imposter syndrome can have a significant impact on an individual’s personal and professional life. It can lead to decreased confidence, increased stress and anxiety, and a fear of taking on new challenges. It may also lead individuals to hold back from opportunities and not fully utilise their skills and potential.

How can you overcome imposter syndrome?

  • it is important to recognise and challenge negative thought patterns
  • try reframing beliefs.  Focusing on your strengths and accomplishments – there are so many things you have achieved already in life for sure
  • seek support and feedback from trusted peers and mentors
  • cultivate a growth mindset. Good news is that you can develop a growth mindset with the help of wellbeing professionals
  • embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning

Organisations can also play a critical role in supporting individuals who may be experiencing imposter syndrome. This can be done through creating a culture that values vulnerability, by providing opportunities for skill-building and mentorship, and by celebrating diverse perspectives and achievements.

In conclusion, imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon that can have significant implications on an individual’s mental health and career progression. By taking steps to overcome self-doubt and seeking support, individuals can build their confidence and achieve their goals. Organisations can also play a role in addressing imposter syndrome among their employees by creating a culture of learning and growth that supports their employees’ personal and professional development.

Learn more:

At MindBerry we specialise in helping both individuals and organisations deal with the imposter syndrome phenomena. We offer face-to-face, video or audio one-to-one sessions with a psychologist, therapist or coach of your choice, as well as team coaching and awareness sessions.  So why not ‘GET IN TOUCH’ today. 

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